Nwyfre Earth re-immerses us into deep connection to Earth, community and to self, an immersion that Westernised culture has lost, or near-forgotten. Nwyfre Earth merges threads of meaning, through Yoga, meditation, movement, environmental art, drumming, talking, and landscape connectedness. Nwyfre Earth bases its processes on Ten Directions Ecotherapy, and the emering discipline of archaeotherapy. These processes bring up much; many griefs and sorrows, as well as awe and wonder; feelings that are often pushed aside or subdued.
However joy, grief and wounding for what is happening, the love, belonging or disconnect of being here on this planet is showing up for you and your community, on personal, ecological, social, economic, health or climatic levels, Nwyfre Earth offers therapeutic healing and support.
Participants can find ways to listen to the calling of Earth and find something of their authentic, adaptive role. Together we move through the spirals of Earth connection, from disconnect to deep immersion and belonging.
Nwyfre Earth is all about listening to the Earth, to story, to ourselves, to our heritage, and to the ancestral landscape.
Harriet has contributed a chapter to this important book, "Climate, Psychology and Change: Psychotherapy in a Time When the Familiar is Dying", edited by Steffi Bednarek. Contributors include Bayo Akomolafe, Thomas Hübl, Francis Weller, Glenn Albrecht, Sally Weintrobe, Sally Gillespie, and Malika Virah-Sawmy: https://www.climatepsychologyandchange.com/book
Harriet co-hosts The Earth Exchange Café with Trebbe Johnson, a monthly online café where active, moving, creating, brilliant people chat about how they find and make beauty in a wounded world. Guests have included Pat McCabe/ Woman Stands Shining, Sam Lee, Glenn Albrecht, Carl Safina, Joe Holtaway, Daniel Foor, Jo Huxster, Caroline Brazier, Eimear Burke, and Chris Jordan. Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RadicalJoyforHardTimes or via youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@trebbejohnson2632/videos?view=0&sort=dd&shelf_id=0
Harriet is a tutor and mentor for the Tariki Trust Ten Directions ecotherapy training www.tarikitrust.org, an Animist Druid guide, and
co-facilitator of Through the Door workshops for the Climate Psychology Alliance www.climatepsychologyalliance.org
Harriet is Board member of the ecospirituality charity Radical Joy for Hard Times www.radicaljoy.org
Accredited through the International Association of Coaches, Therapists and Mentors http://www.iactm.com
Harriet is a member of the Climate Coaching Alliance https://www.climatecoachingalliance.org/
A Quaker Druid, and taken Refuge in the Kagyu Samye Ling Tibetan Buddhist lineage, Spirituality and received wisdom from lineages that embody Earth connection inform all the work Harriet does in the world.
Harriet has an MA in European Civilisation from Glasgow University, an MSc in Green Economy from Bournemouth University and is currently a PhD researcher in Archaeotherapy with Bournemouth University. She has many years of caseload, and pre-sentencing report writing and presentation experience in the Probation Service in Magistrates' and Crown Courts, in the UK and elsewhere. Harriet is a trained adult education tutor, having developed and delivered syllabuses in Italian, prehistoric archaeology of Cumbria, in Yoga, and ecotherapy-related subjects.
Harriet is learning what it means to be human, to stay with the trouble, and become a companion species, becoming-with other beings as co-inhabitor.
While some offerings are at a set price, such as teaching and training courses, many offerings are available for free, such as podcasts, blog, articles and voluntary group facilitation. Others, such as yoga, one-to-one guiding and healing are available to you in the Gift Economy. This means that there is no set price: you pay what you feel it is worth, in terms of the offering itself, the cost to me that you believe it may incur to offer this service, and for an honest reflection of how you believe the service can be exchanged for money that is so helpful for living.
"Deep gratitude, love and respect for Harriet. She guided me beyond the threshold, where I felt the warmth of my beloved mother and the kinship of a magnificent Cro-Magnon." N
"Harriet worked compassionately to weave a sacred passing and welcoming; through, embracing and entwining my own ideas of how i felt it should be and she then held me and the sacredness of the space with beauty and magic. Harriet, is a wise woman, she is unique in her talents and her very special gift of holding space for women and Gaia is a huge gift. She forever has my love." S
"The practice of radical joy for hard times and attending to places is real level 2 ecotherapy: getting into contact with a particular place, self healing and healing of the land, also of the connection between me and the greater whole where I belong. I wish to pass it on to others in my country. I am particularly grateful for Harriet for providing me an extra one to one session after missing one of the sessions, which brought me many insights." Á
A wonderful conversation about land and ancestor connection, with Georgina Langdale: https://www.archeus.nz/blog/harriet-sams-sense-of-belonging
A Fireside chat 52, with Chosen Chief, Eimear Burke for the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids https://fb.watch/aWd0Ebav2I/
What's your thing? Podcast with Julie Leoni. Harriet talks about archaeotherapy, the land speaking, sacred landscape, druidry and connecting to our ancestors. https://anchor.fm/julie-leoni/episodes/Whats-your-thing----Archaeotherapy-with-Harriet-Sams-evpfj5
Ritual for the Anthropocene-
A Facebook talk with River Jones about how ritual and land connection can bring awareness and healing to our relationship to the wounded land in these difficult times. https://fb.watch/5Y8maE6pAb/
Monthly Earth Exchange Cafés, hosted with Trebbe Johnson. We talk to poets, artists, academics, writers and therapists about finding beauty in the wounded world.
https://www.facebook.com/RadicalJoyforHardTimes and https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmKFLlqnVlW4g04mc4vM2jw/videos
Find Nwyfre Earth on Instagram as https://www.instagram.com/nwyfreearthmeandering/
All events and workshops are online, until further notice.
Previous workshops include: Ritual and spirituality in ecotherapy, the Elder Futhark Runes, in-person nurturing land walks, Forest wisdom and the edges of perception, Archaeotherapy, Through the Door imaginal workshops, Tolkein's Middle Earth wisdom, and Spirituality in ecological leadership
Please join us for this free event as we welcome and celebrate the book, "Climate, Psychology and Change- Reimagining Psychotherapy in an Er...
Three month course: £105
"Just as we can't be whole, healthy individuals until we explore the shadow places in our psyche, so we cannot have ...
Day workshop: £63
In this day-long workshop we will explore some key characters from arguably the best known of Tolkien’s books: The Lord of ...
£63 for day-long workshop
Many peoples and communities now live far from the place of their origin. Some communities feel this displacement a...
Six week course £126
Archaeotherapy merges cultural heritage therapy and ecotherapy into a new and emerging discipline. This course gives you...
The Observant One poem in the Spring 2021 edition, A Path of Druidry and The Tale of Peg Powler, a North Eastern myth (Editor's pick) in the e-magazine Fellowship and Fairydust here: https://fellowshipandfairydust.com/?s=Harriet+sams
Harriet has published a short story, 'Father' in the book The Call of the God, edited by Frances Billinghurt https://www.abebooks.co.uk/9781511612227/Call-God-Anthology-Exploring-Divine-1511612223/plp
“Finding the Orphaned Irish Parts of Me” at the New Cut: Defining Self-Identity Through Encountering an Archaeological Site https://www.aup-online.com/content/papers/10.5117/978904856222/AHM.2023.003
"Climate, Psychology and Change" chapter contribution. This compendium includes chapters from Bayo Akomolafe, Mary-Jane Rust, Steffi Bednarek, and a foreward by Thomas Hübl. Available to buy here: https://www.climatepsychologyandchange.com/
Contributed a chapter on Archaeotherapy in the book: 'Well-being Through Archaeology and Heritage: Resolving Therapeutic Unknowns'
Published by Archaeopress. (Forthcoming).